LWGY-4~200涡轮流量传感器与数字仪表或计算机等仪表配套组成涡轮流量计。传感器具有精度高、寿命长、操作维护简单等特点。可广泛用于油田、化工、冶金、造纸等行业, 测量液体的瞬时流量和累积体积总量。介质温度:-20℃~+120℃, 环境温度:-20℃~+50℃,精确度:±0.5%R,输出信号:三线制电压脉冲,低电平≤2.0V、高电平≥9.5V。信号传输距离:传感器至显示仪表的距离可达500m,供电电源:±12V DC 防爆等级:mⅡT4。本产品执行JB/T9249-1999标准,计量许可证号:津制 00000114号。
LWGY Turbine Flow meter is composed of LWGY Turbine Flow Sensor and digital display meter or a computer. The sensor features high accuracy, long service life, simple operation and maintenance it can be widely used for measuring instantaneous flow and volume total flow in factory. Petroleum field, chemical industry, metallurgical industry and papermaking works. It is in conformity with JB/T9249-1999 standard, Metrological permission certificate No: 00000114.
Medium Temperature:-20℃~+120℃
Ambient Temperature:-20℃~+50℃
Accuracy: ±0.5%R
Output signal: not less than 3V
Distance of signal transmitting: The distance between sensor and display meter can be up to 500mm.
Wire-system of amplifier signal transmitting wire: Three-wire system electric-pulse (three-core shielded cable).
Power source: +12V DC
Explosion-proof class: mⅡT4