当前位置:首页 >热门产品> 电力检修 >R.M.Young风跟踪仪06206H海用

联系人: 王云峰 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)


话: 010-88570030

址: 北京市海淀区彰化路曙光宾馆写字楼308室


Wind speed is displayed in your choice of units: KNOTS, MPH, KM/H, M/S. Maximum wind speed is also shown. Wind direction information is clearly displayed on a circular pattern of LEDs. Bold front panel graphics give a quick indication of wind angle relative to vessel heading. Brightness control allows adjustment for best viewing in any light. Luminous front panel markings allow viewing even in a darkened pilothouse. 4-20 mA inputs, Serial NMEA, and Voltage outputs are standard on the Marine Wind Tracker. Alarms for both wind speed and wind direction are included. The Marine Wind Tracker is very compact for easy mounting on vertical bulkheads or consoles. Model 06260 Protective enclosure offers extra protection for wet or dusty locations.

Wind Speed Range:
0-100 MPH
0-50 M/S
0-200 KM/H
0-100 KNOTS
Wind Direction Range:
0-180 degrees (port & starboard)
Voltage Outputs: 0-5 VDC Full Scale for WS & WD
NMEA Inputs/Outputs:
Alarm Relays:
Normally Open contacts for WS & WD
Remote Displays: 16 maximum
Power Requirement: 12-30 VDC, 4.5 W
144 mm (5.65 in) x 144 mm (5.65 in) x 36 mm (1.4 in)
Weight: 1 lb (0.45 kg) Shipping Weight: 3 lb (1.4 kg)