当前位置:首页 >热门产品> 电力检修 >FIT958-2-7-FM防水系列MP3 FIT958-2-7-FM
FIT958-2-7-FM防水系列MP3 FIT958-2-7-FM

联系人: 杨清 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)


话: 0592-3119396

址: 厦门市园山南路800号联发电子广场1A幢1015室

1.        Support MP3 MTV; MP1, MP2, MP3, Windows Media Audio (WMA), WMV ASF, WAV, digital record, USB disk Built-in equalizer (Normal, Rock, Pop, Classic, Soft, Jazz and DBB)
2.        2-color LCD display
3.        Real digital A-B replay or comparison replay.
4.        Multi-play Mode: Normal, Repeat One, Folder, Repeat Folder, Repeat All, Random, Intro.
5.        (Optional) FM tuner with auto/manual search, 40 (20 for each Band) local stations and FM recording
6.        Digital recording, and can be used as non-driver disk
7.        Supporting ID3 information (synchronized display of song & lyrics)
8.       Multilateral language: Simple & Trad. Chinese; English; Japanese; Korean; French; Italian; German; Spanish; Swedish; Portugal; Denmark; Dutch
9.        Built-in lithium rechargeable battery
10.     MWJ: World 1st Multi-directional waterproof Key Management (Patented) User-friendly and one hand operation.

Waterproof standard: IPX7


联系人: 杨清 在线咨询
企业认证: 企业已认证已认证

红外线测温仪、照度计、噪音仪、风速仪、紫外照度计、红外线测温仪、温度计、温湿度计、风压。英国BIOchrOM拜尔控可见光分光光度计LibraS5H,美国埃尔纳USA风速/风压计Velometer6000AP,意大利AFFRI布洛维全自动硬度计206RT,TIFXP-1A美国TIF TIFXP-1A制冷剂电子检漏仪,美国PTC409C硬度计|PTC-409C美国PTC指针式塑料硬度计,美国PTC指针式塑料硬度计320型,日本佐藤SATO气压计附数显温度计7612-00,德国KRUSS视频光学接触角测量仪Easydrop,美国鲁道夫Rudolph夫折光仪J257,英国CASELLA室内空气质量监测仪Microtherm IAQ,英国CASELLA实时噪声分析仪CEL-450,英国CasellaCEL-240数字式声级计CEL-240,GW系列黄金天平GW6202-OCE*,温湿度监控仪445815美国EXTECH445815,美国EXTECH万用表+红外测温仪EX470,BOSMA博冠枪瞄准星1X30,美国IDEAL光照度计61-681,美国IDEAL地阻钳形表61-920,美国IDEALABS信号发生器62-184,兆欧表CA6549,德国施密特频闪仪MS-1。
