联系人: 王玉娟 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)
电话: 0592-3119395
地址: 厦门市园山南路800号联发电子广场1A幢1015室
LECOM 电网塌陷预防
Chaos and order are often neighboring closely side by side and also undergo transitions into each other. Order and chaos are closely lying side by side in electrical power systems too, as it was demonstrated in the collapses (blackouts) in USA and Europe during the year 2003.
To keep the World’s Electricity Grids running 24 by 7, year in year out, is a miracle of the modern art of engineering. The Grid is undoubtedly the most complex piece of infrastructure we have, and it is also the most important.
“Without electricity there isn’t any U.S. economy; if the light goes out, the modern life which we know grinds to a halt”, the former US Secretary of Energy, Spencer Abraham, said about the importance of and our utter dependence on the power grid.
联系人: | 王玉娟 在线咨询 |
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