联系人: 于扬 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)
电话: 0577-62363920
地址: 浙江省温州乐清市柳市方斗岩工业区
(BTC8200\BTC8210)防爆投光灯 70/100W油田投光灯 低价直销
(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |2013年不锈钢市场展望-----今年中国不锈钢市场行情有跌宕起伏,但总体呈现低迷盘整走势,价格一路阴跌,钢厂和贸易商均处于亏损边缘。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |而目前来看,短期镍价仍处于下跌通道,下游需求亦无好转迹象,12年年内不锈钢现货价格止跌大幅反弹可能性不大,贸易商心态也极具悲观。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |对于2013年不锈钢行情走势,本网拟从未来宏观经济走势、供需变化、生产成本、进出口等因素进行逐一分析。
1、一、(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |国内外宏观经济形势---整个2012年全球经济下行风险加剧,尤其是欧元区债务危机仍处于不断恶化之中,大宗商品价格低位运行。二、(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |不锈钢原料将呈现慢牛行情----由于经济不景气,各国相继推出刺激救市政策。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |尤其是美联储9月中旬推出QE3后,镍价一路高歌猛进,短短一周之内涨幅达1570美元/吨。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |但十一后利好消息被瞬间消化,镍金属行情又陷入震荡盘整走势。三、(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |不锈钢供需矛盾继续加剧 尤其是冷轧产品----今年二季度以来国内各主流钢厂都在大力宣扬减产,但实际产量仍居高不下,而明年国内将有更多的钢厂上冷轧线,热轧产能在2013年达产。四、(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |不锈钢进出口难以大幅好转----近两年来我国不锈钢材一直呈现净出口。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |尽管今年全球经济增速下滑,但是今年我国进口、出口总量与去年相比跌幅并不大。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |综上所述---明年国内外经济环境依旧错综复杂,不锈钢行业仍旧面临各种压力,尤其是供需失衡加剧将是制约未来不锈钢行业发展的主要因素。(BTC8200\BTC8210)| |因此,2013年不锈钢现货行情要想得到彻底反转的可能性较小,但出现小波行情的可能性较大。 |咨询拨打|一八七 五八七七 五七三五||口口咨询 |六一三 六六六六 O五|
(海洋王BTC8200\BTC8200)◣ 采用高效气体放电灯作光源,灯泡平均使用寿命达到10000小时。
◣根据工作现场的实际需要确定灯具的安装位置和方式,再根据灯具到电源接点的距离准备相应长度的Φ8~Φ14 mm三芯电缆线。
◣必须使用本公司配备的专用镇流器 。
◣额定 电压: 220VAC 50Hz
◣外壳 防护: IP65
◣进线口螺纹: G3/4
◣引入 电缆: φ8~φ10mm(灯具)φ8~φ14mm(镇流器箱)
◣外形 尺寸 : φ180×242mm(灯具)314×241×88mm(镇流器箱)
◣总重量:4.3kg(灯具) 4.2kg(镇流器箱)
(海洋王BTC8200\BTC8200) 品质保证:
BTC8200\BTC8200)◣本产品严格按照ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系标准进行质量控制,确保产品质量高于国家标准,完全达到设计要求,产品实行7年保用,光源保用一年 ,自购买之日起7年内,产品正常使用下出现任何故障由本公司负责免费维护.
The sea king BTC8200\BTC8200) scope:
BTC8200\BTC8200) a wide range of suitable for inflammable and explosive places and various indoor and outdoor operation, the construction site and equipment, facilities and lighting needs to vote.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) characteristics:
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) highest explosion-proof grade, can be safely used in various inflammable and explosive places.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) adopt efficient gas discharge lamp as light source, lighting the average service life of 10000 hours.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) shell adopts imported light alloy, design with multiple decompression seismic, good anti-impact performance.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) adopts high-tech surface spraying technology, wear and corrosion resistance, waterproof and dustproof, suitable for a variety of harsh environments.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) with electromagnetic compatibility, not good cause any disturbance to the various appliances, transmission network.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) has the advantages of small volume, light weight, simple and convenient for installation, can adopt a seat type, hanging type, ceiling type and so on many kinds of installation.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) using method:
Determine the lamps and the installation position according to the actual needs of the work site, then according to the lamps to power supply contact distance to prepare the corresponding length of phi 8 to 14 mm three core cable.
Open ballast end cover, unscrew the nut ballast cable export, the lamp power supply cable, wire respectively through the nut into the ballast internal wiring terminal, connected and fixed, then tighten the cable clamp nut and a ballast cover.
According to determine the installation position and the lamp and ballast is installed, then the ballast input cable and the other end connected to 220V power supply can lighting in the explosion-proof requirements.
Unscrew the screws lamp bracket at the bottom of the bracket, the lamp cap can be rotated 360 ° regulation about lighting range; screw loosening the cap on both sides of the bracket, according to the lighting needs to adjust the lighting angle under the lamp, and then tighten the screws.
Replacement bulbs, hole is using a suitable screwdriver or other tool is inserted into the front cover side two convex parts of the front cover, remove the bad lighting, replacement bulbs.
Warning: the installation and maintenance of lighting, you must first disconnect the power supply.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) note:
Ballast must use the company is equipped with.
When in use, the surface has a certain temperature rise of lamps, is a normal phenomenon; the transparent member center temperature is higher, not to touch.
Installation of lamps, lamp should be nearby safety grounding.
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) technical parameters:
Rated voltage: 220VAC 50Hz
Shell protection: IP65
Inlet thread: G3/4
Introduction: Cable dia 8 to 10mm (lamp) dia 8 to 14mm (ballast box)
Dimensions: φ 180 × 242mm (lamp) 314 x 241 x 88mm (ballast box)
Total weight: 4.3kg (lamp) 4.2kg (ballast box)
(Sea King BTC8200\BTC8200) quality assurance:
BTC8200\BTC8200) products in strict accordance with the ISO9001:2000 international quality management system standards for quality control, ensure product quality is higher than the national standard, fully meet the design requirements, products 7 years warranty, the light source is guaranteed for one year, 7 years from the date of purchase, the product is often used under any fault responsible for free maintenance by the company.
联系人: | 于扬 在线咨询 |
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主营产品: |
防爆灯,工矿灯,节能灯,LED灯,防爆电器等 |
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