联系人: 张小姐 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)
电话: 021-64837616
地址: 上海市徐汇区钦州路108号7号楼403
Bodine Electric Company offers over one thous stard gearmotors ranging from 1/2,000 to 3/4 HP (0.4 to560 Watts), e-TORQ™ motors up to 3.5 HP (2,600 Watts). Our stard product line includes AC fixed speed variable speed products, as well as an extensive selection of permanent magnet DC, brushless DC gearmotors, motors controls.
We offer parallel shaft, right angle, hollow shaft gearmotors,with torque ratings from 1 to 1,000 lb-in. (0.1-113 Nm).
上海梓兴销售美国BODINE KYC-24T4 KYC-22T4 KYC-24A2 电机
联系人: | 张小姐 在线咨询 |
企业认证: 已认证 | |
主营产品: |
控制器、交流伺服电机,直流伺服电机、高温伺服电机、伺服驱动器、五相步进电机、两相步进电机、五相步进电机驱动器、两相步进电机驱动器,直流调速器,德国ServoDrive伺服电机SMW系列,美国BODINE直流无刷电机(无减速电机,水平减速电机,直角减速电机),BAUTZ M252B系列马达,德国servodrive伺服滚珠螺杆传动机构,中空轴伺服电机 ,Mecatix 行星减速箱,KCI-22T5电机。 |
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