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Proteus Industries Inc 流量开关

联系人: 吴小姐 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)


话: 0755-26998458

址: 深圳市南山区南海大道4050号上汽大厦303室


供应美国Proteus industries inc流量传感器     Proteus Industries Inc 流量开关      Proteus Industries Inc 流量开关  

 Proteus Industries Inc 流量开关产品特点:

校准精度为±2%范围流量标准,认证精度为±0.5%。 校准是可追溯到NIST参考。 线性优于±0.5%。

流量范围为0.2至227 LPM / 0.05至60 GPM

>液体温度为-40至140°C / -40至284°F

>压力至1724 kPa / 250 psi

>已校准0-5 VDC输出

>继电器跳闸点 - 16个预设设置








标准500系列计量流量开关校准与水约25°C / 77°F。使用其他液体比水的差异可能会影响测量的准确性粘度。普罗透斯的世界级的校准能力使我们有专门提供仪器温度,fluid-specific校准。



美国Proteus 500系列计量流量开关特性:

流范围从0.8到17行分钟/ 0.2到4.5 GPM

液体温度从-40年到-40°C / -40到284°F

1723 kPa / 1723 psi的压力

校准0 - 5伏直流输出

继电器跳变点- 16预设设置


流量开关已提供更有效的监测,应用于液体流量高达4.5加仑的能力和控制(17 LPM)必须监视和控制的温度和压力范围的扩展。

roteus industries-0504SN2流量开关

Section 1 Introduction

500 Series Metering Flow Switches have been created to provide a more effective monitoring and control

capability for applications in which liquid flow rates up to 4.5 GPM (17 LPM) must be monitored and

controlled over extended temperature and pressure ranges.

Capabilities required for extreme operating conditions have been incorporated in the basic product,

allowing the size-reduced metering flow switch to be used in situations in which specialized products were

previously required.

The 500 Series Metering Flow Switches have been developed from Proteus’ experience in satisfying the

needs of thousands of demanding users in widely diverse applications since 1978. 


The flow response of 500 Series sensors and thus their calibration may be dependent on the form of the

device attached to the inlet connection and other closely located up-stream devices.

Elbows, T-pieces, valves and filters located immediately up-stream from the flow sensor can introduce

swirling motion to the liquid flow. The swirling motion reduces the linear velocity of the flow stream.

We recommend that a straight run of pipe of more than 10 x pipe ID (~4 inches or 10 cm) be used

between the flow sensor and any up-stream devices to minimize these effects.

Appropriate calibration procedures must be used to provide an accurate flow measurement with elbows

or T-pieces that must be attached directly to the inlet connection.

The 500 Series sensor is typically unaffected by the form or proximity of devices on its downstream side